Finally the latest version of the Mozilla Firefox 3.6.6 was released. Firefox 3.6.6 offers enhanced speed of the speed of previous versions of Firefox, so users will be pampered with a more stylish performance in the conduct of everyday Internet activities like e-mail, upload photos, and social networking.
Other applications which became one of the mainstays Firefox 3.6.6 Personas, which allows you to change the background display your browser.
cool features, has supported a variety of variations from the standard web interface, and of course more than 6,000 add-ons that can be selected to try and which ones best support your performance.
Another advantage of the available are: Plugin updater, Stability Improvements which is a facility to reduce crashes caused by third-party software. There's also the Complete Form, a facility of FireFox that will provide information you provide answers to frequently if you will fill out an online form.
Firefox 3.6.6 has been developed. This version is faster and more responsive than previous versions. Firefox 3.6.6 also has been optimized to be used on small devices such as operating systems Maemo.
Importantly, the latest version of FireFox, 3.6.6 is already can be downloaded:
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