Operating System computer

1. Microsoft Windows
OS made by Microsoft Corp.. It has an easy to understand user interface and extensive software support. Many hardware manufacturers recommend using this OS. This OS has a weakness in his VIRUS billions of its kind. And the very expensive price. Be an OS with the largest user in the world today.

2. GNU Linux
Operating system that is based on Open Source (Free Owned). Operating system was introduced by Linus Torvald and growing so rapidly that it almost could exceed the number of Windows users in the world. Have many kinds of Desktop as KDE, Gnome, XFCE, etc.. Also many kinds such as Ubuntu, Mandriva, Debian, GOOGLE OS etc.


. If you're looking for a stable operating system with a friendly and powerful interface, Mac OS X could be one choice. Although FreeBSD already has a desktop interface for computer professionals, but less suitable for the keliatannya paraniod, grandfathers, and grandmothers. Mac OS X is more suitable for them because it has a very intuitive design. They can directly use it without much thinking. Mac OS includes many things that are not required to run an internet server, and can only run on Apple hardware. Thus, for need cheap and powerful servers, Mac OS is not recommended. Although, you can not see the source code for Mac OS GUI interface, you can still view the BSD source code in it. Apple has had releasenya codenamed Darwin.


OpenBSD is a branch of NetBSD since 1996, the main goal is to create the most secure OS BSD. BSD OpenBSD is the first time that support hardware-accelerated cryptography (allows to download and decrypt encrypted information in a short time), the developer is very proud because the fact is, the default installation of OpenBSD can not be hacked for 4 years!
The OpenBSD mania has to audit the entire code OpenBSD, fix the security holes that might diexploitasi. However, in terms of user-friendly, unlike FreeBSD OpenBSD.

5. Sun Solaris

Solaris is one of the most known UNIX world. Created by Sun Microsystems Solaris. Solaris berjalah on high-end hardware that can support tens of processors, GB of RAM, and hard drives. He is widely used as a platform by enterprise applications, such as Oracle. Designed to run on Solaris SPARC processor manufactured by SUN. Because of SUN hardware and software to control themselves, they can develop a system with fitur2 interesting, like, hot-swappable RAM, mainboard, hard disk, CPU.

6. AIX
One is the IBM AIX UNIX pasaing. AIX journaling filesystems have the best claim, is able to record all disk transactions that occur, thus able to recover the system without much trouble these capabilities to improve reliability. AIX is also based on BSD.

7. Linux
Linux is a UNIX clone, is written completely from under more than a decade ago. Linux with BSD in many respects, but BSD has had a culture that has long been, and more friendly to the commercial world. Linux requires that the commercial users to provide feedback back to linux, while BSD has no such restriction. Among Unix users, there is a perception of conflict between BSD and Linux strongholds. But if you dig deeper, on the contrary, you will see how the developers to communicate and cooperate with friendly and open mind. Only a small portion of the user or developer who create friction.

8. IRIX, HPUX, and other

Another UNIX IRIX (Silicon Graphics), a famous UNIX graphical applications, as well as HP-UX (Hewlett-Packard), which is popular among a large enterprise. Many high-end software packages such as Informix, special design applications on HP-UX platform. You will also meet with other competitors such as SCO and UnixWare. They also UNIX, but not nearly as popular as the rest. There's more another UNIX such as: A / UX (Apple), SINIX (Siemens UNIX) and Xenix (Microsoft). Yes, Microsoft is the vendor UNIX many years ago. Then sold to SCO Xenix into SCO and UNIX.

9. DOS
Before the era of Windows, MS-DOS, short for Microsoft Disk Operating System, is an operating system that is widely used by the IBM-PC or compatible with it. Microsoft made MS-DOS as a mainstream operating system, before eventually stop supporting MS-DOS are slowly when they make a graphical interface-based operating system (also known as GUI) for the mainstream market, which is referred to as Microsoft Windows.

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