Creating an animated picture on the blog

Speaking of animation, the animation can indeed make life come alive. the opportunity at this time will try to discuss about how to make animated pictures or photographs. For the bloggers mania that has been accustomed to use animation programs such as MacroMedia Flash Player or another, is certainly not something that is less fair or funny.

On the internet lots of animated photo maker sites, thousands or even millions. for example. To make a photo animation on, please follow the following steps:

for example animated

1. Please open the site

2. The first step should be a list of buddies on the site formerly

3. Click on Sign Up to register (free listing)

4. Enter friend email address in the field provided. content is also desired password

5. If so, please click the button to sign up, and automatic buddy has entered into pal account page

6. The next step is to make an animated creation

7. Click on the style, to choose the style of animation

8. click the skin, to select the frame animation

9. click to select size Size

10. Click the Select Image button, then input the photo / image you want pal input

11. click the Upload button to upload images

12. If the upload is complete, click tombolSave

13. Copy the HTML code provided and paste in notepad

14. Click on Log Out to exit the site. Please close the browser page

15. The next step is to insert an animated HTML code into your blog
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Comments :

5 Coment to “Creating an animated picture on the blog”

this is vety good

Anonymous said...

thank you so much, I really had a very long time looking for information like this

Anonymous said...

thank you again, hopefully useful

Rizq Comp said...

hebat, betul betul hebat

Anonymous said...

apanya yang hebat dul

Rizq Comp said...

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