Free VGA

Surely the reader wondering what he meant VGA nih free, what will for the VGA for free? If so thanks my notebook star again need surgery. No, the point is to use a virtual card to force the old VGA capable of running the existing features in the new generation VGA.

Wow .. means lying ! Yes! So cool ....

So if you have a computer or notebook ancient, can use this application to force a new game can run on old your VGA. Virtual VGA is free to its roots. You live in 3dfxzone download, install and run.

How to wear nih free software, is also relatively easy. After you suck out the application from the owner of the website, you stay extract and run the 3D analyzer. Once there enter into the application, just do the small steps below:

1. Activate the feature on DX9 hardware emulation ( cap bits and features )
2. Check also features Game fixes
3. Click "Save Batch File", is to save the settings you have made, you know? A
4. Then lived run, of course setting above are not absolutes ... please be altered alone does and see how its influence with the game, whether to walk fast, slow or even crawl ...

WOW means my old Notebook could play games recently ya! or I can play the game online pet like point blank, CrossFire or War Rock

Of course, the virtual VGA whose name does not guarantee a good running game because it is also definitely going to sacrifice other things such resolosi. Last but not least ... good luck!

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